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Data Governance


Here’s a video explaining how data sharing works under the data sharing framework.

Data lies at the heart of Government.

Data informs decision-making and shapes public policy. It is central to the delivery of public services.

As our society evolves, so too does the demand for better and more efficient use of data in the delivery of public policies and public services. In order to optimise the use of our data to meet this demand, Government has put in place a number of measures to improve public service data and its use: the Public Service Data Strategy and the Data Sharing and Governance Act.

When both are put into practice they will create a strong and supportive data ecosystem for the Public Service.

Data Governance Unit

The current Public Service Data Strategy 2019 -2023 contains a number of data actions that will provide a transformative effect for the Public Service and benefits to both citizens and businesses.

The Data Governance Unit (DGU) was established in 2020, under the remit of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). The unit provides the Secretariat for the Board and also acts as Secretariat to the Minister of Public Expenditure and Reform for their responsibilities under the Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019. The unit provides a whole of Public Service support for all matters related to the Act.

There are 3 teams within the unit:

  • data policy
  • data governance support
  • data analytics

Read more about the Data Policy Team

Public Service Data Strategy 2019-2023

The Public Service Data Strategy 2019-2023 sets out a detailed vision with a set of goals and actions to deliver a more joined-up whole-of-Government approach to how data is used and managed within the public service. It aims to put in place a series of measures to improve how data is governed, managed and re-used in a secure, efficient and transparent manner, for the benefit of citizens, businesses and policy makers.

Its implementation will assist the Government in its drive to improve services to the public by:

  • providing more joined-up and integrated, end-to-end digital services
  • providing better processes for policy formulation and evaluation
  • improving protection and transparency of personal data processing
  • reducing administration by cutting the need for businesses and citizens to provide the same data over and over again

Following widespread consultation, the Strategy was drafted and published by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), which has responsibility for its implementation.

Read more about Public Service Data Strategy

Data Governance Board

The Data Governance Board (the Board) was established by the then Minister of Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath, under the Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019, in December 2021.

The formation of the Board was a key milestone in the implementation of the Public Service Data Strategy 2021 – 2023 (Principle 8 – Data is effectively governed). It plays a pivotal role in delivery of a new framework for data governance across the Public Service.

Further information on the Board is available here:

The Board has established four committees to date in order to provide them with targeted specialist advice in four key areas:

  • Data Sharing Committee play a leading role in the introduction and promotion of rules, procedures, standards and guidelines for data sharing. Their work includes triaging and reviewing Data Sharing Agreements, and working with the Data Governance Board as part of the DSGA Data Sharing Playbook review process
  • Data Architecture and Technical Committee plays a leading role in the introduction and promotion of technical guidelines and standards in the Public Service
  • Data Safeguarding and Transparency Committee plays a leading role in ensuring that any transparency, privacy or data protection concerns that arise around the sharing or governance of data are managed in an ethical way
  • Communications and Engagement Committee advises the Board on best practice for communicating and engaging with all stakeholders in a transparent manner

Data Analytics

Data Analytics is a process of inspecting, cleansing and transforming data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making.

Work the team is doing

The Data Analytics team are working on a range of projects that will ultimately lead to better management and analysis of data.

  • reporting on, and analysing available datasets
  • investigating the benefits of Virtual Data Rooms for the Public Service

What it means for you

Data can play a pivotal role in evidence based policy making. Sharing and the accessing of data through reporting solutions can enhance operational efficiencies and respond to the ever-changing public need.

Where to get more information

See the Public Service Data Strategy

Data Banks

OGCIO has built a number of Databanks on behalf of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Department of Finance which provide information on: Government expenditure, the Exchequer’s monthly tax receipts and Public service numbers.

Read more about the Public Expenditure Databank on

Read more about the Department of Finance Databank on

Read more about the Public Service Numbers Databank on

Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019

The Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019 (the Act); enacted in March 2019, gives further effect to the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. It specifically clarifies the rules and exceptions of sharing citizens personal data between public bodies and gives surety and legality to those bodies wishing to begin disclosing or receiving data.

The Act was published in June 2018, passed in March 2019 and several sections of the legislation were immediately commenced . The second tranche of commencements in July 2021 allowed for establishment of the Data Governance Board.

The third and final commencement in December 2022 will enact the final section of the legislation, section 6 (2) and (3). Once this section is commenced; it will remove the legal basis for the disclosure of personal data as defined in section (38) of the Data Protection Act 2019.

The Act, a core part of the Public Service Data Strategy, sets out to reform the way Public Service Bodies (PSBs) share and use data in order to improve public services. It provides a general legal basis for PSBs to engage in the sharing of data, while also setting out appropriate safeguards under which such sharing must take place.

The Act also gives a range of powers to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform in relation to Public Service data governance. These include:

  • the introduction of data management standards and guidelines
  • prohibiting or enforcing the collection of certain data by PSBs
  • directing PSBs to share data under the Act
  • cataloguing all data sharing in the Public Service
  • designating Base Registries
  • the creation of a Unique Business Identifier
  • the creation of a Personal Data Portal
  • the creation of a Data Governance Board

The government wants to improve how data is governed and managed and this Act will allow data to be re-used in a secure, efficient and transparent way. This will benefit citizens, businesses and policy makers in government by facilitating a more consistent approach to data sharing. It will allow us to deliver integrated digital services for citizens and businesses.

Read more about Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019


The Data Governance Unit is working to implement the Public Service Data Strategy across the Public Service. This includes the introduction of a set of standards and guidelines, in line with GDPR Article 40. These standards will help to ensure a uniform approach to data management for all Public Bodies.

GDPR and the Data Sharing and Governance Act

The Data Sharing and Governance Act (the Act) was signed into law in March 2019 giving further effect to the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. It specifically clarifies the rules and exceptions of sharing personal data between public bodies and gives surety and legality to those bodies wishing to begin disclosing or receiving data.

Where to get more information

There are a number of resources available if you would like to find out more about GDPR and Data Protection in Ireland.

Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019 - Data Sharing Agreement Register


The Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019 (DSGA) is an enabling piece of legislation that provides a specific legal basis for public bodies to share data, while also setting out appropriate safeguards under which such sharing must take place. A key principle of the DSGA is transparency around the safe handling of personal data across the Public Service.

The DSGA Data Sharing Agreement Register

This DSGA Data Sharing Agreement Register (the Register) fulfils the obligation under Section 60(3) of the DSGA, which states that the Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform (the Minister) will publish a list of data sharing agreements, accession agreements or withdrawals received under the DSGA.

The Register contains details of all data sharing agreements that have successfully completed the processes set out in the DSGA Data Sharing Playbook, all accession agreements and any withdrawals from these agreements. The Register is dynamic and will be updated on a regular basis.

The Data Governance Unit provides Secretariat support for the Minister under the DSGA, and as such maintains this Register on behalf of the Minister.

Information available on the Register

The Register includes a list of all data sharing agreements that have successfully completed the stages of the Playbook process. These agreements are grouped by the year of publication (by the Lead Agency) and contain the data sharing agreement reference and name. The Data Governance Board website contains a PDF copy of the effective data sharing agreements. Accession agreements and withdrawals are listed with reference to the primary data sharing agreement.

More information on the DSGA Data Sharing Framework

Received Data Sharing Agreements (DSAs)


  • Data Sharing Agreement for Naturalisation Data - DOJDFA 001_220203
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Immigrant Investor Programme Data - DOJREV 002_220203
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Emergency Travel Certificates (ETCs) Data - DFAHSE 003_220628
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Next of Kin Data - DFADSP 004_220628
  • Data Sharing Agreement for National End of Life Survey Data - DSPHIQA 005_220711
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Inspections in Early Learning and Care Settings Data - DCEDIYDE 010_210722
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Foreign Birth Registration Data - DSPDFA 012_220819
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Animal Identification Movement (AIMs) Data - BBDAFM 013_220825
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Next of Kin Notification Data for Irish Citizens - AGSDFA 014_220907


  • Data Sharing Agreement for Archaeological Excavations License Data - DHLGHNMI 008_200722
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Consents for Works (to a national monument) Data - DHLGHNMI 009_200722
  • Data Sharing Agreement for LINC Data in Early Years Care Data - DCEDIYMIC 011_220816
  • Data Sharing Agreement for EU Habitats Directive and Wildlife Acts Data - DAFMDHLGH 016_140922
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Ministerial Directions Data - DHLGHNMI 017_161122
  • Data Sharing Agreement for LEO Suite of Services Data - EILAS 018_211122
  • Data Sharing Agreement for DAFM Schemes Eligibility Data - DAFMBB 019_230607
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Independent Research of Education Data - DOEERC 020_230803
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Calf Slaughter Data - BBDAFM 021_230831
  • Data Sharing Agreement for Animal Welfare Data - BBDAFM 022_230919